MBH Global
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Casual or opportunistic threat actor only able to mount unsophisticated attacks.
Motivated, targeted threat actor such as organised crime or journalists or hackers applying professional methods to access the physical device and / or data.
Government-sponsored organisations using sophisticated techniques with unlimited time and resources to access the physical device and / or data.
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Risk Appetite
All results must lead to no further actions or risk treatments.
Additional risk treatments are available but at additional cost.
Most cost-effective risk management approach which manages risk but has recommendations for additional risk treatments.
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Categories Of Data
Non-confidential data which might be available in the public domain.
Personal Data and Corporate Data.
Same as (2) but including special category and / or corporate secret data.
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Volume Of Data
A known number of data carrying media are being disposed of which contains a total of under 10Tb of overall capacity of storage.
A known number of data carrying media are being disposed of which contains over 10Tb of overall capacity of storage.
An unknown number of data carrying media are being disposed of.
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Business Impact
Press coverage and brand erosion.
Possible legal action by data subjects and possible regulatory action.
Same as (2) but possible share price damage and / or competitive advantage erosion.
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You should state the scope which this DIAL rating can be used. Is it for a particular collection, a particular site or can it be used as a company wide DIAL
For a single collection from the address listed on this certificate. The valid to date must be after the collection date.
For all collections from the address listed on this certificate until the valid to date.
For all collections from any address for the company listed on this certificate until the valid to date.
Other – please specify the scope for which this DIAL can be used.
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Valid To Date
The date the certificate will expire
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