ADISA ICT Asset Recovery Certification 8.0 (EU) Certified
ADISA ITAD Essentials Certified

Data Wipe business division of Distruzione Documenti srl
Certified to:
ICT Asset Recovery Standard 8.0 (EU)
ADISA ITAD Essentials
DIAL Rating:
Level 2
Roberto Tursini
Telephone: +393939138675
Certification Number:
Certified Site:
via della Meccanica,22a
04011 Aprilia ( LT)
Valid to:
22 August 2026

Certification Number:
Certified Site:
via della Meccanica,22a
04011 Aprilia ( LT)
Valid to:
2 February 2026

This Certification explained ↓
What is a DIAL rating?
When disposing of old IT equipment, companies (the data controller) must handle data properly to avoid breaches. The ADISA ICT Asset Recovery Standard 8.0 introduces the Data Impact Assurance Levels (DIAL) to rate data risk and required protection. Factors include data type, volume, breach impact, and risk tolerance, resulting in a DIAL rating.
This rating guides the level of service needed from ITADs (the data processor) to ensure data safety and can be generated via ADISA’s web portal, which also provides a certificate.

What is an ADISA Assurance Level?
Click here to see where other products and services rank on this model